NxFilter Tutorial

Before installing NxFilter
Before you install NxFilter, you may need to know how to use it first.

Before Installing NxFilter
Before you install NxFilter, you may need to understand how it filters your network. NxFilter functions as a DNS server with built-in filtering capabilities. By setting it as the DNS server for your network, NxFilter can allow or block DNS requests it receives, providing network-wide filtering.

This approach simplifies things significantly. There's no need to install or manage filtering software on individual PCs. Instead, you can monitor user activity and control access directly through the NxFilter GUI. You can also see the results of your filtering actions in its GUI.

If you have a firewall, you can enforce filtering by blocking outgoing DNS queries (UDP/53) at the firewall, except for those from NxFilter. This makes NxFilter the only DNS server your users can use and you get the filtering for your network.