NxFilter Tutorial

Azure Active Directory integration
You can import users and groups from your Azure Active Directory and your users can use their Azure AD credential on NxFilter login page.

How to install
At the moment, we have a separated package for Azure Active Directory integration. It is a ZIP package uploaded as nxfilter-4.x.x.x-azure.zip in our download page. You can install it as you do with a NxFilter ZIP package. If you want to install it on Linux, read Installing on Linux and if it's on Windows, read Installing on Windows. You also can overwirte the contents of the ZIP package into your NxFilter installation directory.

App registration
In order for NxFilter to access your Azure AD, you need to register NxFilter in your Azure AD with required permissions. And from your app registration, we need the following string values,

  • Application ID
  • Directory ID
  • Client Secret Value

You can see Application ID and Directory ID from the screenshot below taken from our Azure AD.

When you create a new app registration, you don't need Redirect URI or any other option.

After you register your NxFilter, you need to create a Client Secret on 'Certificates & secrets'. One thing to note is that what we need is the value of your client secret. Not ID.

And these are the permissions we need,

  • Microsoft Graph > Group.Read.All
  • Microsoft Graph > Group.Read.All
  • Microsoft Graph > User.Read.All

You can add these permissions on 'API permissions' menu for your app. When you add permissions, there are 2 permission types. One is Application and the other one is Delegated. We need application type permissions. After you add the required permissions, you need to grant Admin Consent for the permissions.

User importation
You can create a new importation setup for your Azure AD on 'User > Azure Directory'. Once you create an importation setup, you can test the connection or import users and groups from your Azure AD.

Login test
After you import users from Azure AD, your users can use their Azure AD credentials on NxFilter login page. You can test the login process on 'Azure Directory > Edit > Login Test'.

Single Sign-on in Azure AD
Since v1.0.5 of CxLogon, it picks up the Azure AD username from the system it is running on and creates a login session with the username.

You can install it on Windows PCs in your Azure Active Directory using Intune.