NxFilter Tutorial

Policy assignment by NxCloud
There are several ways of assigning policies to the users behind a router.

One policy for whole network
This is the simplest and easiest approach. As an NxCloud operator, you can create a user in the GUI and associate your router's public IP address with that user. Your network will then be filtered according to the policy assigned to that user.

If your router has a dynamic IP then use NxUpdate to notify the change of your public IP to NxCloud.

Policy Assignment by NxProxy
If you want to assign a different policy to a specific user, you can install and run NxProxy for that user. While NxProxy primarily functions as a remote filtering agent for NxCloud, it can also be used to assign a different policy to a user.

Policy assignment by private IP
NxRelay is a relay DNS server that you can install within your network to enhance control and visibility. Once installed, NxRelay allows you to view the private IP addresses of devices in your network on NxCloud operator GUI.

You can then associate these private IPs the users you created on NxCloud operator GUI, enabling you to assign customized policies to those users.

Policy assignment by Windows username
When you install and run NxRelay in your network, it can detect Windows usernames from PCs in the network and send them to NxCloud. These usernames can then be linked to specific policies via a policy edit page on NxCloud operator GUI.

Starting with v4.7.1.3 of NxCloud, you can link the users detected by NxRelay to policies on 'Policy > Policy > EDIT' of operator GUI.