Install NxFilter on Linux
You can run NxFilter on Linux and other Unix like OS. We have DEB package and RPM package.
You also can install it with ZIP package.
We found some Linux systems missing IP address. When you don't have set on your system,
NxFilter will not be working properly.
Using auto-install script
If it's for Ubuntu like Linux, you can run the auto-install script from our website with the following command.
bash -c "$(curl -s"
We have a Youtube video tutorial for using auto-install script,
Install NxFilter on Ubuntu by auto-install script
We also have auto-install scripts for other products,
Running auto-install, auto-update scripts from NxFilter website.
Using DEB package
Since Ubuntu 18, 'systemd-resolved' service is occuyping UDP/53. You have to disable it and set another DNS server
for your system before you install NxFilter. To stop and disable it, run the following commands.
sudo service systemd-resolved stop
sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved
sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
sudo sh -c "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf"
You need to install JRE if you don't have it.
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless
Download the latest package using Curl. And then install it using Dpkg.
curl -O
sudo dpkg -i nxfilter-
After you install it, enable the service and start it.
sudo systemctl enable nxfilter
sudo systemctl start nxfilter
You can monitor the startup process with the following command.
tail -f /nxfilter/log/nxfilter.log
When you install NxFilter first time, it needs to create Jahaslist database and populate it. It may take up to a minute.
Before it finish its job, you may not be able to access its admin GUI. You shouldn't stop it before it finish the job.
When you install NxCloud or NxRelay using DEB package, use 'nxcloud' or 'nxrealy' for Systemctl commands instead of 'nxfilter'.
Using RPM package
Rob Asher has built an RPM repository for NxFilter and other packages. His RPM packages take care of Java installation and all the dependencies.
To install NxFilter using 'yum' command, install Rob Asher's RPM repository first.
yum install
Then you can install NxFilter using yum command.
yum install nxfilter
After you install it, enable the service and start it.
sudo systemctl enable nxfilter
sudo systemctl start nxfilter
Using ZIP package
You can install NxFilter on other Linux and Unix like OS using ZIP package.
- Download
- Extract the zip file into /nxfilter
- Go to /nxfilter/bin and run 'chmod +x *.sh'
- Run with root permission
You can run NxFilter as a daemon with '-d' flag to /nxfilter/bin/