Sandwatch GUI pack for NxFilter
We provide an alternate GUI pack for NxFilter. It is called Sandwatch and developed based
on Bootwatch library by Tomas Park from
As of v4.5.4.2, Sandwatch became the default GUI for NxFilter.
Activating Sandwatch
Sandwatch has been included in the NxFilter package since v4.5.2.1.
To activate it, add the following line to the /nxfilter/conf/ file under the 'www_dir' option:
www_dir = guipack/sandwatch
And then restart NxFilter.
Note that we do not support an absolute path for the 'www_dir' option.
When you use 'guipack/sandwatch' as the value of 'www_dir' option,
it refers to '/nxfilter/guipack/sandwatch' directory.
Sandwatch License
One of the purposes of the Sandwatch project is to provide an example of NxFilter GUI customization to our business users.
To assist them, we have released Sandwatch under the MIT license.
You are free to modify it as you wish and use it for any purpose, including commercial ones.